What is Zokef?

The Zokef is an innovative solution for chronic muscle tension headaches, TMJ and neck pain from common forward head posture misalignment.

Its Unique Design

Maximum Effectiveness

The shape of the Zokef and the wavelength and power of the Infrared Light has been designed for maximum effectiveness.

Proven to be Effective

Most people who use the Zokef will experience headaches less frequently and with less intensity. It addresses the cause of most headaches instead of just masking the pain.

Approved by Medical Experts

The Zokef was invented by a medical professional who has experience treating chronic pain and has published research on chronic pain.


How it Works

Near Infrared Light has been proven through scientific research to be a safe and effective non-invasive, natural therapy for pain relief and to promote muscle recovery.

Previously, Near Infrared Light therapies have only been found in physical therapy offices, chiropractor offices or by purchasing expensive mats or devices. Now you can experience an affordable, innovative therapy with the Zokef. Find relief in just 1-3 minutes a day! The Zokef uses a patent pending combination of therapeutic infrared light with a cervical stretch that helps restore the cervical curvature of the neck.


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Contact Us

Zokef LLC, headquartered in St. Louis, MO